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PN Core Program Events

Pn Core Program Events

PN Core Program Events are welcoming to everyone and are intended to be enjoyed by all students regardless of their athletic ability. These special events bring students from different schools together to enjoy a variety of sports and activities, oftentimes mixing the schools together across teams to further promote a non-competitive atmosphere.


PN Core Events are unique in that modifications to sport rules are encouraged to ensure above all else, students are enjoying themselves and the games are run as efficiently as possible. The non-competitive structure of PN allows the rules of the game to be flexible to maintain a high success rate for participants and a smoother flow to the event.


Bonus: Schools taking part in the SSNL Sports Stars program will receive Sports Stars points for hosting and taking part in PN Core Program Events.


Friendlies are events where 2 schools come together for a number of friendly matches. Friendlies qualify for free milk for all participants as well as a nutrition grant to ensure all students enjoy a nutritious snack. Additionally, draw prizes will be made available for the event and all participating students will receive a collectable pin for the sport/activity featured at the event. 


PLEASE NOTE: The SSNL office requires 3 WEEKS advanced notice of the event to ensure the milk order is placed and prizes/pins are packaged and sent to the host school.  


If you would like to learn more about hosting a Friendly, please reach out to 

PN Program Coordinator: Natelle Tulk (​

Forest Park Primary FOS 1.png

Festivals of Sport

Festivals of Sport are events where 3 or more schools, in the same region, come together to play a number of friendly matches in ONE sport or activity. Festivals of Sport qualify for free milk for all participants as well as a nutrition grant to ensure all students enjoy a nutritious snack. Additionally, draw prizes will be made available for the event and all participating students will receive a collectable pin for the sport/activity featured at the event. 


PLEASE NOTE: The SSNL office requires 3 WEEKS advanced notice of the event to ensure the milk order is placed and prizes/pins are packaged and sent to the host school.  


If you would like to learn more about hosting a Festival of Sport, please reach out to 

PN Program Coordinator: Natelle Tulk (​

Festival of Sport


A Jamboree is an event that includes 3 or more schools playing 3 or more sports/activities at the same event. Jamborees qualify for free milk for all participants as well as a nutrition grant to ensure all students enjoy a nutritious snack. For Jamborees specifically, all students receive a coloured t-shirt to wear during the event which helps organizers mix and match teams from different schools to encourage new friendships and eliminate rivalries.


 As with all PN Core Program events, draw prizes will be made available for the event and all participating students will receive a collectable pin for the sports/activities featured at the event. 


PLEASE NOTE: The SSNL office requires 3 WEEKS advanced notice of the event to ensure the milk order is placed and prizes/pins are packaged and sent to the host school.  


If you would like to learn more about hosting a Jamboree, please reach out to 

PN Program Coordinator: Natelle Tulk (​

FOS - St. Jame's Elementary - Dec 6 - Dodgeball 3.HEIC
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