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Coaching Resources

School Sports NL places great importance on the safety and well being of its student-athletes. The following resources include a number of required courses for all SSNL coaches and teacher-sponsors as well as access to other great coaching content through the NCCP Locker and Coaching Association of Canada.

SSNL Coaching Requirements

In order for a team to be eligible to participate in any SSNL tournaments, see the following course requirements:


  1. “Making Headway” - To be completed by minimum of one member of the coaching staff

  2. “Safe Sport” Training - To be completed by all Coaches and Teacher-Sponsors

  3. "Rule of Two" - To be completed by all Coaches and Teacher-Sponsors​

To complete the certifications, please follow the links in the highlighted sections below. 


Safe Sport

School Sports NL believes that all those involved in sport deserve an experience that is safe, inclusive, accessible, respectful, and welcoming. As a step to ensure all SSNL patrons feel safe within our program delivery we have dedicated this area to the education and resources needed to support a Safe Sport experience for all.


Beyond completing the mandatory Safe Sport Training for SSNL Members, we encourage everyone to check out the additional resources available through the Coaching NL toolbox linked below. This toolbox includes General Resources, as well as specific resources relating to Risk Management, Reporting and the Responsible Coaching Movement. 

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Other Great Coaching Resources

School Sports NL encourages all of its coaches and teacher-sponsors to take advantage of the many

free/small-fee courses offered through the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC/NCCP) and through the Canadian Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (CIAAA).


With the support of NL Schools, Athletic Directors and Teacher Coaches are encouraged to use the School and District close-out days to take part in Professional Learning that will assist them in their role in developing and administering School Sport programs in their school.


The following are some of the online opportunities that have been identified by School Sports NL that would be beneficial.


Coaching for Life Skills

A course designed by sport psychology researchers which gives you the practical tools necessary to coach important life skills through sport.

90 Minutes


Coaching School Sports: Redefining Winning

Provides the opportunity to explore the core values of school sport philosophy and coaching in the interscholastic environment.  Focus on educational athletics, citizenship skills and how sport is used to enhance participant education and the development of life skills.


Anti-Racism in Coaching

Building knowledge of issues related to race and racism in Canada that affect coaches.  The course will expand your understanding of how to be an anti-racist coach and how to support racialized participants.

60-75 Minutes


Support through Sport - Bystander

Education to recognize different forms of violence and identify helpful and hurtful bystander behaviour and teach strategies to intervene as a bystander in situations of violence. 

20-30 Minutes


Support through Sport – Gender Based Violence

Learning to recognize forms of gender-based violence  and identify strategies to use to prevent gender-based violence in your sport environment .

20-30 Minutes


Support through Sport – Modelling Healthy Relationships

Learning to recognize the elements of a healthy relationship, identify opportunities for modelling healthy relationships in the sport environment  and Identify strategies for how to set, maintain and uphold expectations for healthy relationships.

20-30 Minutes


Support through Sport – Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Focuses on creating healthy environments for sport participants between the ages of 11 and 24 years.

40-60 Minutes


Making Ethical Decisions

Training and evaluation in ethical decision – making. The training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport.

4 Hours

FREE If instructor led, $100 for evaluation if done independently

Commit to Kids for Coaches

Empowers coaches & sport leaders with practical information to help enhance child and youth safety in sport.  Highlights importance of understanding boundaries, sexual misconduct and reporting inappropriate behaviour.

3 Hours


Mental Health in Sport

Developed to educate coaches about mental health to empower them to effectively play a role in supporting the well-being of the participants in their sport program, while also supporting their own mental health. 

45-60 Minutes


Creating a Positive Sport Environment

By placing participants at the centre of the coaching process, coaches can promote growth and athletic development, foster creativity and learning, and protect participants from harm.  

40-50 Minutes


Canadian Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (CIAAA)

$60 Annual Membership

Creating Your Athletic Handbook

This course is designed to guide you through the process of creating a complete and effective athletic handbook. This is a working course where you will be provided with templates as a starting point and led by experienced Athletic Administrators.

Check calendar for courses times

$120 w/ CIAAA Membership

Administration of Middle School Athletic Programs

This course provides insights and strategies for the leadership of developmentally sound, education-focused Junior High school athletic programs. This course also concentrates on the role of the school coach and coaching principles.

Check calendar for courses times

$120 w/ CIAAA Membership

Current Issues in Canadian School Sport

Experienced athletic administrators will lead the group through various workshop topics on current issues in Canadian school sport. Topics examined may include: Dealing Effectively with Parents, Developing Leadership in Your Athletic Program, Enhancing Multi-sport Participation and Combating Specialization, Educating Against Racism in Your Athletic Program, and Developing in-House Professional Development Programs for your Coaches.

Check calendar for courses times

$120 w/ CIAAA Membership

Building a Positive School Culture through Sport

This course will highlight processes for using sport to build and enrich a positive and exciting school culture. Specific steps and ideas will be outlined to use your athletic program and other school-based athletic initiatives as a springboard to create a healthy and positive environment within your school. The course will focus on engaging the entire school population through sport and activity.

Check calendar for courses times

$120 w/ CIAAA Membership

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