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Did you represent your school at a School Sports NL (SSNL) or Newfoundland & Labrador High School Athletic Federation (NLHSAF) event, in the last 50 years as a Student-Athlete/Participant, Coach/PN Facilitator or Volunteer?

Are you interested in reconnecting with old teammates and rivalries? What about donning your old team colours and repping your school in an Alumni Tournament? Perhaps you'd be more interested in attending a regional Alumni social? Or checking out a current SSNL Tournament?


If any of these appeal to you, join our SSNL Alumni and be the first to hear about special alumni events, get togethers or opportunities to work with School Sports NL.

Curious about your school's stats when it comes to Championship wins? Check out our complete listing of NLHSAF/SSNL Past Champions!

Interested in putting together an alumni event? If so, we're here to help. Please reach out to our SSNL Varsity Coordinator, Shayne Menecola

Check out our website for a look back in time at School Sports NL

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Make a donation in support of School Sports NL or in memory of a loved one. 

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